National Education Policy (NEP), 2020

Undergraduate programmes
MLCU’s new undergraduate curriculum is based on the Curriculum and Credit Framework for undergraduate programmes issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC), 2022 and the guidelines of the National Education Policy, 2020. This is an enlightened, career-oriented programme which will produce a well-rounded professional with 21st century skills, ideally equipped to enter the world of work.

Semester 1 2   3 4   5 6 Total 7 & 8 Total
Major 8 8 Summer term 8 14 Summer term 14 4 56 Honours 40 credits Or Honours with Research with at least 12 credits research (28+12)
Minor 0 0 4 4 4 0 12
Multi-disciplinary 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
Interdisciplinary: SDG 4 4 0 0 0 0 8
Ability Enhancement Courses: English 4 4 0 0 0 0 8
Skill enhancement: Entrepreneurship and Computer fundamentals 0 0 2 2 0 0 4
Value Added courses: Foundation 2 4 0 0 0 0 6
Internship 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
Special events 2 0 2 0 2 0 6
Total credits 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 40 160

Scope and overview of the Undergraduate degree programmes
1. The Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate programmes was effective from the undergraduate batch 2023
2. Each semester shall be 19 calendar weeks and shall have at least 90 working days
3. Apart from Autumn Semester and Spring Semester, there will be a Summer term of 8 weeks for:
     a. Work-based vocational education
     b. Bridge courses
     c. Stand alone or additional to the Major or Minor
     d. Supplementary learning to complete backlogs in coursework
     e. Additional internship or field work
     f. Internship/ training/ work-based vocational education for students who wish to exit after two               semesters or four semesters of study in order to get a UG Certificate/UG Diploma
     g. Students can accrue credits from the summer term towards the Skill Enhancement component
     h. Credits accrued by the students in the summer term may be adjusted with the subsequent                    semesters or may be earned as additional credits
4. It is not applicable to the undergraduate degree courses of the Allied Health Sciences Department as those degree programs follow the model curricula issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
5. Students have the option of choosing a 3-year or 4-year programme, except for the Department of Tourism where the existing 4-year BTTM shall continue.
6. For the degrees coming under the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021, the stipulated number of hours shall be attained and will be shown in the transcripts. This will also be done for all other degrees.
7. Students have the option of multiple entry-exit after one, two, three or four years of study.
8. Credits
     a. One credit shall contain 15 hours of instruction or 30 hours of designated experiential learning
     b. The total credits for a 3-year degree shall be 120

Components of the 3-year degree programme
Major, the discipline of main focus: shall be about 50% of the total credits: 72 credits including internship
1. Minor, provides a broader understanding beyond the Major, including skill-building and vocational learning: 12 credits
2. The Minors will provide preparation for additional occupation opportunities apart from the major and may be selected by the student on the basis of interest, aptitude and career aspiration. The Minor will contain theory and practicum sessions. Students can opt one from the following Minors
     a. Education and teaching
     b. Nutrition, sports and fitness
     c. Management and Office Administration

Multidisciplinary, courses from other disciplines: 4 credits. Students can opt one of the following Minors:
     a. Human Biology and Emergency Care
     b. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications
3. Interdisciplinary, defined as the study of various disciplines to solve a problem: 8 credits. The interdisciplinary aspect will be drawn from the 17 Sustainability
Development Goals (SDGs) which incorporates community engagement, environmental education and value-based education as mentioned in the NEP 2020
4. Ability enhancement: 8 credits English and communication focuses on the overall development of the students’ English language ability for communicative
academic and other purposes
5. Skill enhancement: 4 credits The subjects are Entrepreneurship (2 credits) and Computer fundamental (2 credits). The goals of these subjects are to inspire students and help them imbibe an entrepreneurial mind-set and also have a basic computer knowledge.
6. Value added courses: 6 credits This Foundation Course is a common curriculum to introduce students to understanding themselves, enhance their understanding of India and the community, environmental awareness, inculcate gender sensitivity, explore creative expressions, provide early strategies for the planning of their future career, build critical and analytical abilities, promote self-awareness and reflection, and participate in dialogue, collective and community learning
7. Internship is for experiential and applied learning in the Major: 16 credits. The internship context and environment will also provide a critical understanding of India, the community, and moral and professional values.
8. Special events: 6 credits These events include study tours, university week, university research week, special lectures, commemoration of local, regional, national, and international days, NSS, Ranger and Rover among others

3-year Bachelor’s degree or 4-year Bachelor’s with honours degree
• A 3-year degree, such as BBA
• A fourth year of additional study will lead to a bachelor’s with honours or honours with research, such as BBA honours or BBA honours with research
• Students who complete a 4-year honours degree or honours with research are eligible for lateral entry to the 2nd year of a Master’s degree in the same or
related discipline.
• Students who complete a 4-year honours degree with research are eligible to be admitted to a PhD programme.

4-year Honours degree
1. Two types of 4-year degrees are conducted:
     a. A 4-year honours degree in a Major discipline. The fourth year may include various learning and           experiential activities related to the Major. These activities may be flexible and individualized:               credits in the 7th& 8th semesters
     b. A 4-year honours with research degree. The fourth year will focus on a faculty-supervised                     research project of at least 12 credits in the Major discipline. The remaining credits may include           various learning and experiential activities related to the Major. These activities may be flexible             and individualized: 40 credits in the 7th & 8th semesters
2. Postgraduate education:
     a. Scholars who complete a 4-years honours degree or a 4-year honours with research degree are           eligible for a one-year Master’s programme in the same or applied discipline
    b. Scholars who complete a 4-year honours with research degree are eligible for admission to the            PhD programme.

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