Martin Luther Christian University

Mesmerising Personalities

Dr. C. Dhar Martin Luther Christian University

Here she is with a straight hair
With a complexion very fair
No doubt about her kindness
It’s a virtue she’s being blessed
She’s our beloved coordinator
One’s with smiling face for sure

Next one is this simple guy
His dreams and hopes are very high
Devoted, committed are his features
Friendly attitude towards all teachers
Funny, humorous is his other side
Serious matters his brain opens wide

There is this elegant lady
Beautiful as we could see
Dynamic, outspoken among us all
Difficult circumstances she dared to call
Working hard for the students
Make the most for them to learn

Another character a computechie
Solution to campus technology
He’s a bit ambivert in nature
Got a lot of problems to endure
Even then he fulfils his duty
Complete his task academically

The tallest among the ladies
A lady with a shy personality
Very quiet but shows a smile
Carry herself with a different style
Ready to help if you need it
With everyone there seems a fit