Martin Luther Christian University


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The Board of Governors

Dr. Glenn C Kharkongor, Chancellor

Dr. TK Bamon, Vice Chancellor

Ms. Patricia Mukhim, 
Person of repute nominated by the sponsor

Dr. Samuel Meshack
Nominee of the Sponsor

Smti. A. Ali Negi
Representative of the State Government

Prof. Henry Lamin
An Educationist of repute nominated by the State Government

Dr. Merril Sangma
Nominee of the Sponsor

Mr. R V Warjri
Nominee of the Sponsor

Dr. Iadonlang Tynsong, Acting Registrar
Ex-Officio Secretary

Dr. Iwamon W.J. Laloo

Registrar on Deputation

The Board of Management

Dr. TK Bamon,Vice Chancellor

Mr. Toki Blah
Person of repute nominated from the state by the Sponsor

Dr. Gordon Rangad
Nominee of the Sponsor

Dr. Gideon Arulmani
Nominee of the Sponsor

Dr. B D Cajee
Representative of the State Government



Dr. Rennie Orson Lakadong
nominated by the Chancellor

Dr. Marina B. Marwein
Nominated by the Chancellor

Dr. H. H Mohrmen
Nominee of the Sponsor

Dr. Iadonlang Tynsong, Acting Registrar

Dr. Iwamon W. J. Laloo

Registrar on Deputation

The Academic Council

Dr. T K Bamon, Vice Chancellor

Dr. Iwamon W. J. Laloo,
Registrar on Deputation
Dr. Benjamin Lyngdoh, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, External expert nominated by the Chancellor
Dr. Larilin Kharpuri, Dean, Research and Faculty of Arts and Culture
Dr. Ardonister Lyngdoh, Controller of Evaluation and Examinations
Dr. Marina Bethany Marwein, Dean, School of Economics, Commerce and Management
Dr. Bamonlang M Dkhar, Department of Education
Dr. Mebada Wanka Lyngdoh Nongbri, Deparfment of Sociolory
Mr. Pranjal Dubey, Department of Environment & Traditional Ecosystems

Dr. Laribha Dohtdong, Head, Centre for Nutrition


 Dr. Seilienmang Haokip, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work


Dr. Emideiwahun Rangad, Associate Dean, School of Social Work


Dr. Naphibanmer Wankhar, Associate Dean, Academics ,


Dr. Lalnunsanga Ralte, Associate Dean, School of Languages and Cultural Communication, 


Ms. Beth Ezel Kirsty Kharsahnoh, HR Executive

Dr. Iadonlang Tynsong, Acting Registrar

Dr. Karen L Donoghue, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, NEHU, External expert nominated by the Chancellor


Mr. Malcolm David Roy, Pro Chancellor, Administration

Dr. Rennie Orson Lakadong, Dean, Quality and Compliance and Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dr. Samuel Meshack, Dean, School of Theology and Religious Studies
Dr. Marbabiang Syiemlieh, Dean, School of Social Work
Dr. Colleen Sonia Pariat, Dean, School of Allied Health Sciences
Dr. Melodynia Marpna, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Dr. Phidari Kharlukhi, Department of Tourism and Travel Management


Dr. Lewaka Plain, Centre for Career Development and Placement


Ms. Careen Joplin Langstieh, Centre for Arts, Crafts and Culture


Ms. Vania C. Shadap, SC President, MA Environment
Student nominated by the Vice-Chancellor



Ms. Emily Zorinmawii, SC Vice President, MA English
Student nominated by the Vice-Chancellor



Mr. Willard Kharbithai, SC General Secretary, BCA.
Student nominated by the Vice-Chancellor



Mr. Tyngshain Suchen, Administrative Executive

Dr. Ibasaralyne Thabah, Associate Professor, Dean, Academics, Convener
Dr. Amanda Christie Tongper, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, External expert nominated by the Chancellor
Ms. Lakynti Kharpuri, Director, Education Outreach
Dr. Sairabell Kurbah, Dean, Faculty Management
Ms. Sonia A Tron, Finance Officer
Dr. Evarisha Mercy Syiem, Dean, School of Languages and Cultural Communication
Dr. Mebanlamphang Lyngdoh, Department of Music

Dr. Porsara Mesha J Kharbhih, Department of Psychology and Wellbeing


Dr. Yoowanka Lyngdoh, Department of Management


Dr. Prosperous Nongsiej, Centre for Innovation and Incubation of Startups


Mr. Benedict Shabong, , Alumnus, MA Linguistics,  nominated by the Director, Students Wellbeing


Mr. Kalep Kharmawphlang, President of MLCU Alumni Association, MA Sociology, nominated by the Director, Student Wellbeing


Ms. Iadalin Warbah, Alumna, MSW, nominated by the Director, Students Wellbeing

The Finance Committee

  • Dr T.K Bamon, Vice Chancellor,
  • Dr Iadonlang Tynsong, Acting Registrar,
  • Ms Sonia Alma Lyngdoh Tron,Finance Officer,
  • Dr Tiameren Jamir
    External experts nominated by the Chancellor
  • Mr Peter Z Sailo Kharsaithiang
    External experts nominated by the Chancellor
  • Mr Brian Kharpran Daly
    External experts nominated by the Chancellor
  • Dr Iwamon W.J. Laloo
  • Registrar on Deputation
  • Dr Ibasaralyne Thabah Synthiang
    Acting Dean Academics
  • Dr Larilin Kharpuri, Dean Research
  • Dr Ardonister Lyngdoh, Controller of Evaluation and Examination, Invitees
  • Dr Marina B. Marwein, Dean, School of Economics, Commerce, and Management
  • Resource Mobilization Committee
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