Martin Luther Christian University

Enhancing a safe society through Women Leaders

Enhancing a safe society through Women Leaders

The School of Social Work of the Martin Luther Christian University observed the International Women’s Day 2021 on March 8, 2021 with the women church leaders of the Jingiaseng Kynthei, Laitumkhrah Presbytery, KJP Synod Mihngi. The School of Social Work conducted a capacity building workshop for women church leaders on the theme “Enhancing a safe society through Women Leaders” with the objective to work with the churches in realising their social responsibility in society.

There were 48 participants from over 20 churches under the Laitumkhrah Presbytery, who attended the programme.

Dr Vincent T. Darlong, Vice Chancellor, MLCU in his welcome address said that ‘women can play a vital role in challenging the systems that negatively affect society. History has shown that women collectives have brought peace in the communities.’
The resource persons of the workshop were faculty of the School of Social Work and they focused on how women leaders could play a leading role to promote women and health, women and mental health, women and single motherhood, women and family and prevention of violence against women. The workshop triggered a new understanding on how to approach women in difficult circumstances and enabled women leaders to formulate plans for intervention.
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