Martin Luther Christian University

Eastern Himalayan Regional Conference on Balancing Development, Livelihoods and Resources

Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS), and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU)

Eastern Himalaya Regional Conference on  “Balancing Development,Livelihoods and Resources“
– Lessons and Prospects from Externally-Aided Projects
 November 16-18,2023 

Co-hosted by Meghalaya Basin Management Agency & Martin Luther Christian University
Community Led Landscape Management Project, MBMA Govt of Meghalaya, Shillong & The World Bank

Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS), and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU)

Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU), Shillong, Meghalaya announces three-days Eastern Himalaya Regional Conference on “BALANCING DEVELOPMENT, LIVELIHOODS AND RESOURCES“– Lessons and Prospects from Externally-Aided Projects on  Nov 16-18, 2023 cohosted by Meghalaya Basin Management Agency  and Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU), Shillong


Conference Dates



Key events


16-18 Nov 2023 

Conference Technical Sessions

Technical Paper Presentations, etc.

18 Nov 2023

Field visit (Optional)

Sponsored by the Organizers

NB: Check-in on 15th Nov; Check-out on 19th Nov,2023

Who can Participate in the Conference?


  • All project staff, on deputation and/or recruited professionals, in the project Hq / PMU / PMA and the districts/block level project management offices
  • All partner NGOs of the projects, past and present
  • Project Management Consultants / Project Consultants
  • Funding agencies
  • Universities/R&D institutions working with the externally aided projects or similarly funded programmes including by government agencies but working in the same state/areas of externally-aided projects, having complementarity

Conference Timelines


Conference Milestones


Last date for Abstract/summary of presentation submission

30th Aug 2023

Confirmation on the acceptance of abstracts/presentation

15th Sept 2023

Last date for Online Registration for presenting a paper (Selected participants)

30th Sept 2023

Last date for Online Registration (All participants)

30th Sept 2023

Last date for submission of Full Technical Papers and PPTs to be presented

16th Oct 2023

Guidelines for Submissions for Abstract/ Paper Presentation

  • Submit Abstracts for presentation of individual / joint papers by 30th August, 2023
  • Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts will be given by 15 th September, 2023
  • Submit the full Technical Paper and PPTs by 16th October, 2023 Send via Email (see the section on Abstract / Paper submission in Annexure 1)
  • Abstracts should be between 800 to 1200 words and to be submitted in MS Word format, Times New Roman, Font size 14 for Headline/Title; 12 for Text & 11 for Tables. Abstracts less than 800 words may not be reviewed
  • Abstract selection for presentation is on the basis of a double-blind peer-review process. Criteria are
    1. Relevance to conference thematic tracks but based on respective project designs.
    2. Evidence-based and methodological appropriateness
    3. Innovative and new in ideas, processes, presentation of results, etc.
    4. Significance of findings for policy or research agenda
    5. Clarity of contents and sequences of presentation.
  • More than one abstract can be submitted for presentation / publication; however, due to space limitation only one accepted abstract can be presented by a participant under each thread or track. The abstract which are not included for presentation in the conference may be considered for poster presentation during the conference. However, decision on this regard will be taken during the assessment of the abstracts.
  • Kindly note that inclusion of an accepted presentation in final conference program is conditional on timely conference registration and submission of full paper.
  • Full paper writing and submission will follow the APA style and submission of full papers only in Microsoft word file.

Submission of Abstracts

All abstracts and papers are to be submitted to the following: Organizing Secretary, EHRC-RDL 2023 Phone: +91 9436961857/ 7085719252/ 8014577390/ 6009461695 Email:,; Email cc:;

Conference Venue,Registration Methods, Fee & Banking Instructions

Conference Venue:

VIVANTA MEGHALAYA Police Bazar, Opposite Old Assembly Shillong, Meghalaya – 793001

Registration Methods:

The mode of registration is online and all the participants, paper presenter, attendees are to register using the following link. Abstract submission without registration will not be accepted. Register here (NB: In case of difficulty in online submission of abstracts and/or Registration for participation, please contact directly the Organizing Secretary or any  organizing committee member )

Payment Mode for Registration Fees:

There is no Registration Fee for participating in the conference.

Important Information


  1. All participants from externally funded projects will be self-financed for travel. Local hospitality (stay and food cost) in Shillong for the conference duration would be provided by the Organizers for the first author or presenter of the accepted Abstract/Paper for 4 nights (check-in on 23rd May; check-out on 27th May 2023)
  2. Project staff wanting to participate but not presenting any paper would have to be fully self-financed, both for travel and stay; however, the Conference Organizers will be happy to support in booking hotels locally if required
  3. The Organizers will provide (a) working lunch during the conference and tea & snacks; and (b) transport from hotel to conference venue & back as required
  4. The month of May being tourist season, booking of accommodation should be done well in advance. The Organizing Committee will provide all necessary support

Conference Secretariat / Whom to Contact for any assistance

Secretariat Address: Co-Chairperson from MBMA (Attn: T. Jude Xalxo) Meghalaya Basin Management Agency Shillong 793003

Organizing Secretary (EHRC-BDLR 2023) (Attn: Prof. Dr. Sairabell Kurbah) Martin Luther Christian University Dongktieh, Block-1, Nongrah, Shillong 793006, Meghalaya

Conference Email ID:, (cc:;,

Whom to contact:


Subject Matters

Contact Persons

Abstracts / Full papers / Technical / Sponsorship matters

(a) Shri T. Jude Xalxo, Co-Chairperson



(b) Dr Sairabell Kurbah, Organizing Secretary



Hotel Booking & related matters

(a) Shri Mihin Dollo, Jt. Organizing Secretary (Logistics)


Mobile: 8787478328 / 9436223597

(b) Dr. Subhasish Das Gupta, Jt. Organizing Secretary (Admin)


Mobile: 9436117205 / 8586886942

Field visits

Shri Iadonlang Tynsong, Jt. Organizing Secretary (Field visits)


Mobile: 7085719252

Field visit Registration

Please send an email directly to Shri Iadonlang Tynsong, Jt. Organizing Secretary (Field visits) to register for field visit, indicating the preferred Circuit (see Annexure-I) at Email:; Mobile: 7085719252.
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